Research Strategy Group
Role: UX Design
Agency: Plus K & Jacknife Design
Deliverables: Competitive Analysis, Site Map, Wireframes (desktop & mobile)
the Site map was based off the old existing site pages, and organized into a better flow for the user experience
The Problem
Take a complex research consultancy website with many case studies and services and rework it to make it digestible and user-friendly.
The Solution
For the home page, I wanted to make it clear what services they offer and a way to click into those directly for more information. The next thing I thought was important to showcase was the case studies, the same logic of being able to click into those directly from the landing page. Below those, we have an who we are section, and then a call to action to contact.
The Solution
For the Case study page I thought it was important for users to be able to filter the case studies since there is a lot of them and they will just keep growing as well. So being able to filter by the industry and or the service applied too was important for the user experience
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